Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tex/Latex to Word doc

As latex is not always acceptable or not preferred by some user, particularly people you can not refuse their requirement. A Latex to doc is needed. There are commercial code available, like GrnidEQ and Tex2Word, they are nice, but around $100 each. For user with not so much feature is needed like the editable equations, it is not worthy to buy it. Additionally, LaTex user always prefer to use open source. So an alternative method with reasonable conversion is needed.

The easiest way is convert Latex to HTML at first, and import html to word afterwards. I just want to convert the equations to simple pictures, so latex2html and tex2page are the two available script based applications. During the testing of tex2page, I find a problem that all the equations can not get correct equation numbers, it alwasy restart from 1, and the cross-reference can not be built correctly. And latex2html works fine on the cross-reference, but another problem by latex2html is, it always split the equation to several parts, and sometime, underline is added to the equations, I still can not figure it out how to make the whole equation to be a single picture. Anyway, latex2html is current conversion tool for me.

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