First, I direct download the source code of gaim 1.5, configure, make, make install. Then I can start gaim. It looks very nice with may protocols like MSN, Yahoo messenger, and so on. After I follow the instruction of using gtalk in Gaim ,

it show the error message "server doesn't use any supported authentication method". With some google works, I found the tips to solve this error. It is from comment by Freddy on Chris Shiflett's google talk instruction. The idea is recomplie the source code the gnutls enabled.
./configure --enable-gnutls=yes
At that time, I realize I still have no gnutls lib installed. This lead me to the gaim office project pages about gnutls. Download the related libs and install all of it, I find there is a error in this FAQ section about lib installation, that is
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lib ./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-libgcrypt=$HOME
This can not pass the configuration, after I check the help of configure, I find the currect options should be
--prefix=$HOME --with-libgcrypt-prefix=$HOME
After all this effort, I can use MSN and Yahoo Messenger but when I use gtalk, gaim crashed. I have tried all I can do, but still no good solution. Maybe use the browser based gtalk is my only way, or there are other tips to solve the problem.

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